In the heart of the beautiful southern coastline of Iran, an ancient and meaningful word emerged: Midaf. In the dialect of the southern people, this term means "wooden paddle," one of the earliest tools used by humans to embark on adventures in the depths of the sea. This name symbolizes the beginning of journeys and the exploration of the unknown, just as the Midaf ventured into the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.
Our Story began on the day we decided to specialize in four incredible groups of marine creatures: Marine Mammals, Elasmobranchs (including Sharks, Rays, and Guitarfishes), Sea Turtles, and Seabirds.
With a unique passion and love for our work, each of us embarked on a challenging and beautiful journey to bring out the best in these precious beings. Day and night, we toiled in the heart of these ecosystems, engaging in activities ranging from research and monitoring to consulting and assessments. Every step we took was a stride toward the conservation and preservation of the biodiversity in these extraordinary areas.
Each of us has a specific story that continues to unfold—a story filled with effort, hope, and a bright vision for a future where all marine creatures can live in peace and security.
Midaf, this wooden paddle, continues to propel and explore the depths of the sea, intending to preserve and safeguard all marine ecosystems.